A DJ bio, or DJ biography, is a short piece of descriptive writing that sets the tone for your personal brand as a DJ.
Having an engaging and compelling DJ bio is really important because it introduces you to potential clients, event promoters, and fans. Your DJ biography is a chance to showcase your unique sound, musical style, and artistic achievements.
A well-crafted DJ bio can help you stand out from the competition, attract more bookings, and secure more opportunities.
In this article, I give some top tips on how to craft your DJ brand story and how to write a powerful DJ biography.
How Do You Write A Good DJ Bio?
1. Keep It Short And Sweet
Make sure that your DJ bio is concise and to the point.
Stick to one or two paragraphs (maximum) that highlight your most impressive achievements, your overall sound, and your style.
Avoid rambling or including irrelevant information that may detract from your message—particularly if you’re in the early days of playing out.
2. Showcase Your Sound And Style
Describe your sound and style in a way that is both accurate and engaging. Use descriptive words and phrases to paint a picture of the atmosphere you create when you perform.
If you specialise in a particular genre or sub-genre, make sure to mention it. Use examples to illustrate your style and give potential clients a taste of what they can expect from you.
3. Highlight Your Achievements
Mention any notable achievements that help you stand out from the crowd. This could include residencies at prestigious clubs, successful releases on respected labels, high-profile gigs at festivals or events, or radio shows.
If you have any accolades or awards, be sure to mention them as well.
If you’re at the beginning of your DJing journey, this is where having played a set at a well known event or night club can be super useful—make sure to add this and anything else that is relevant to your DJ biography to help you gain more experience and traction.
4. Keep It Professional
Your DJ bio is a representation of your brand... Use Grammarly to check your grammar, punctuation, and spelling because your DJ biography is likely to be read by potential clients and event promoters—so make sure it’s written well.
The exception to this, is if your personal DJ brand centres on being a little unusual, in this case, you might purposefully choose to misspell or ignore common punctuation and grammar rules.
5. Make It Personal
While it's important to maintain a professional tone, don't be afraid to inject some personality into your biography.
Share a bit about yourself that makes you unique or interesting. This could include your musical influences, your background, a challenge you’ve faced, or any other personal details that help you create a meaningful connection with your audience.
6. Think About How You Want To Be Received
You can shape the perception of you, through your brand. This includes tactfully choosing the words you use, curating the way you describe yourself, and mindfully thinking about how you position yourself.
For example, think about artists such as Lady Gaga, Sia, and Banksy who have all created an atmosphere of allure due to their carefully curated personal branding.
Think about how you want to be perceived and received by others, and create a biography that supports your overall brand.
It's not just about what you write—it's about how you write it.
7. Get Someone To Proof Read And Sense Check It For You
Get a creative friend or another musical industry professional to read your DJ bio and give you feedback.
Sometimes it's hard to evaluate your own work, so getting a second opinion from someone who knows you, and knows what you're trying to achieve, can help you refine it.
8. Keep It Up-To-Date
As your experience grows, and you evolve as a DJ, so too should your music biography. Make sure that you evaluate your artistic biography at regular intervals, such as once a year.
This helps you to keep it updated and relevant to where you’re at right now.
Once you’ve been playing for a while, you may also need a longer separate DJ biography to hand that contains all of your accomplishments, events, and releases, for example. To ensure that you don't forget your achievements or professional timeline as time goes on.
9. Get Help If You Need
If you're not comfortable with writing or confident with branding—don't worry. You can easily get help if you need.
Either you can look for professional freelance help, for example, by hiring a copywriter on Fiverr to help you create your DJ bio, or you can even try rustling something together on ChatGPT yourself.
I hope this is helpful. What are you waiting for? Go forth and get writing!
Sophie x