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Get to Know Me

Hi, I'm Sophie, also known as Tallulah Goodtimes, AND the Audio Doula. This nickname was coined during the recording of an audiobook for author and friend, Sophie Leone, and her book The Book of Revelations. 

It came about as I helped to guide her through the process of getting into the right headspace to bring out the best in the read of her book, mic technique, and finish the project with a stunning result. "You're like, like an audio doula, Soph" she told me.


A doula is a non-medical professional who provides emotional and practical support during pregnancy, labor, birth, and after the baby is born. And if we switch out baby for audio, then the description is spot on! So it resonated as a name. 


I understand that navigating audio projects can be intimidating. Having spent my life in headphones in one way, shape or form, and also the last twenty years as a DJ tutor and coach, I'm also thrilled to de-mystify all the techy things I adore to help others understand it. 

And although in some areas of life, my perfectionism can be a pain, here in my audio world it is an asset. Attention to detail, joy in the minutaie of sound and how things sound. A love of being in my zone of genius and while doing that, helping others.  


So I'm here to help you realise your audio project and reveal your most creative ideas with a creative and enjoyable process, and excellence in the final result.

My purpose as a woman producer it to redress the balance of women in music and the creative industries. By guiding women into feeling confident in the creation of their audio projects. 

I care deeply about perfection in audio. Beautiful audio has a power, a resonance, and the capacity to resonate with listeners whether a spoken word piece, music or a combination of both. 

Carefully placed effects can heighten and enhance the emotional experience of sounds for the listener. And as a business owner or creative, shining a light your brilliance through beautiful audio can elevate your offering. 


I believe play, connection, curiosity, and a positive and relaxed mind are essential to the greatest creative output, so we put that philosophy to work in the studio, and welcome you warmly before we get to work.

To hear some of the audio projects I've worked on, listen below. 

Winter MeditationFor We Are One
00:00 / 05:40
The Book of RevelationsSophie Leone
00:00 / 05:31
Silver Lake (for Lazy Daisy)Sophie Tott
00:00 / 05:32
Podcast Divas JinglesKathryn Bryant
00:00 / 00:43
Garden MeditationFor Jackie Kietz
00:00 / 15:34
MeditationHelen Kerridge
00:00 / 12:52
YogaBalletFusionSnippetDavid Olton
00:00 / 05:27
Bhangra Dance WorkoutDavid Olton
00:00 / 05:27


If you like what you hear, and have an audio project you need help with? Whether it's music, voice recording, a combination, drop us a line and let's have a chat!

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Audio Editing

Made a mistake in your audio? Recorded in parts and need them splicing together so they become one? Want some umms and ahh's removed? We've got you. When you need a helping hand, choose our Audio Editing service.

Music Research

Got a project that needs some music but don't know where to find it, or which license to buy for your project? We can guide you to the music which will make your project shine, and help you understand which license to choose so you have everything you need to share your audio product.

Noise reduction and clean

Recording your audio at home? Whether you're recording from your iPhone or Android directly, or using a setup with a mic, sometimes external noise is unavoidable. We can clean up your audio so it sparkles just like you do.


Coming soon.

Meditation creation

Got a script, the voice, and are happy to record at home? Want some beautiful music, but don't know where to find it? We work with you to create a beautiful sounding meditation where voice and music work together in harmony.


Coming soon.

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